Avoiding Health Flip Flops in a Changing Food Supply
Recorded June 17, 2021
Continuing Education Hours: IAFNS is a Continuing Professional Education (CPE) provider with the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). CDR Credentialed Practitioners will receive 1.5 Continuing Professional Education Unit (CPEU) for completion of this recorded webinar until June 17, 2024.
Description: Changes in the food supply intended to benefit health can have potential unintended effects. This session will engage stakeholders in dialogue about assessing and balancing nutrition tradeoffs when making decisions associated with large-scale food supply changes. These include agriculture, ingredient, and food formulation decisions. Balanced decisions will help maintain consumer trust in the food supply.
Introduction and Background
DeAnn Liska, PhD
Associate Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives
Texas A&M University
Nutrition Questions Related to Interesterified Oils Case Study
Sarah Berry, PhD
Sr Lecturer
King’s College London
Safety Assessment of Interesterified Fats – Traditional Toxicology and Ingredient Approval Approaches
Bryan Delaney, PhD
Senior Toxicologist
Firmenich SA
Facilitated Dialogue with Stakeholders and Open Q&A
William Yan, PhD, Health Canada
Matt Pikosky, PhD RD, Dairy Management Inc.
Facilitator: Barbara Lyle, PhD, President of B Lyle, Inc. and Consulting Sr. Advisor IAFNS
Performance Indicators
- 8.1.2 Applies knowledge of food and nutrition as well as the biological, physical and social sciences in practice.
- 4.1.2 Interprets and integrates evidence-based research and literature in decision making.
- 4.2.6 Analyzes and synthesizes information and identifies new information, patterns and findings.