Back to Basics: Understanding Terms and Methods in the Gut Microbiome Space
Recorded March 16, 2022
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is an accredited CPE provider with the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). CDR Credentialed Practitioners will receive 1.0 CPEU for completion of this recorded webinar until March 15, 2025.
Description: Microbiome or microbiota? Healthy microbiome or dysbiosis? Whole genome or shotgun sequencing? Gut microbiome science continues to evolve at a rapid speed – challenging the non-expert to keep up! As nutrition and other healthcare practitioners across many specialties are, and will continue to be, required to respond to questions about gut microbiome, nutrition, and health it is of value to step back and ensure a foundational understanding.
This webinar is designed for the non-expert that seeks to improve the understanding of gut microbiome science – with a focus on common terms and continually evolving methods. Participation will support the ability of practitioners to review and evaluate gut microbiome research and the degree to which it supports dietary recommendations and guidance – now and in the future.
Webinar program:
Sarah Comstock, PhD, Michigan State University - Moderator
The Language of the Microbiome: Terms and concepts (and the danger of jargon)
- Vincent Young, MD, PhD, University of Michigan
Methods in the gut microbiome space: Common and emerging
- Henrik Munch Roager, PhD, Copenhagen University
Q&A and discussion
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Define and distinguish across terms that are commonly used in the gut microbiome space to support accurate interpretation of research.
- Describe both commonly used methods and emerging methods for sample analysis and data translation in the gut microbiome field, to include strengths and limitations of the techniques and the information they provide.
Commission on Dietetic Registration Performance Indicators:
- 2.1.3 Tailors messages and communication methods to meet the needs of target audiences.
- 4.1.2 Interprets and integrates evidence-based research and literature in decision-making.
- 6.2.2 Selects and uses appropriate tools and skills to collect and interpret research data.
- 8.1.1 Interprets and applies evidence-based literature and standards for determining nutritional needs of target audiences.