Miami, Florida, USA
January 18, 2013 – January 23, 2013
IAFNS holds its annual meeting in conjunction with ILSI, ILSI Research Foundation and HESI. Some of the scientific sessions being organized by other ILSI entities include: biomarkers, developing healthy lifestyle behaviors in young children, and improving the food supply through plant development. Please access the ILSI 2013 annual meeting website for more information here.
IAFNS’s Sessions at the 2013 Annual Meeting
Monday, 21 January
IAFNS Scientific Session – Mind and Body: Understanding the Connection between Neurobiology and Behavior
Neural Systems Involved in Food Intake: An Integrated Overview
Stephen Woods, PhD, University of Cincinnati (USA)
Food Choices and Eating Patterns
Paul Breslin, PhD, Rutgers University, New Brunswick and Monell Chemical Senses Center (USA)
Food “Addiction” – Translation Studies of the Fine Line between Food Reward and Addiction
Nicole Avena, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville and Princeton University (USA)
The Influence of Food on Brain Health
Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, PhD, University of California Los Angeles (USA)
(Presentation not available)
IAFNS Scientific Session – Food: Balancing Risk and Benefit
Risk Benefit Analysis of Food
Richard Williams, PhD, George Mason University Mercatus Center (USA)
Risk Benefit for Chemical Contaminants
Robert Buchanan, PhD, University of Maryland (USA)
(Presentation not available.)
A Risk Benefit Approach to Assess Nutrient Intake – Do We Need a New DRI
Alicia Carriquiry, PhD, Iowa State University (USA)
Communicating Food Benefits and Risks
Baruch Fischhoff, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Tuesday, 22 January
IAFNS Scientific Session – Looking at Health Consequences of Physical Inactivity
The Biggest Public Health Problem of the 21st Century: Not Enough Physical Activity
Steven Blair, PED, University of South Carolina (USA)
Physical Inactivity: Effects on Healthy Aging, Chronic Disease
Marc Hamilton, PhD, Pennington Biomedical Research Center (USA)
Physical Inactivity: Impact on Appetite Regulation
John Blundell, PhD, University of Leeds (United Kingdom)
(Presentation not available)
What Can You Do to Stop Your Chair from Killing You?
James Levine, MD, PhD, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale (USA)