Houston, Texas, USA
October 19, 2013 – October 23, 2013
George R. Brown Convention Center

SESSION: Communicating Shades of Grey – Getting the Science Story Straight

20 October 2013
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

This interactive session provided an overview of how research findings influence decisions, provided recent examples of good and bad uses of epidemiological findings, and gave tools for RDs to use to hone their skills as critical evaluators and communicators of science. Dietitians translate research into recommendations for their clients and others, making it important to be able to critically analyze and translate scientific evidence to a variety of audiences, particularly in an era of an exploding number of media stories with often conflicting conclusions regarding diet, physical activity and health. Many of these stories were based on epidemiologic studies, where the science may not be as clear cut as reported. Case studies were used to illustrate how one study may lead to very different sets of media reports, and how situations where hypothesis–generating epidemiological studies are not confirmed by randomized clinical trials.

Sponsored by The Coca-Cola Company and IAFNS

Speaker Presentations
Courtney Gaine, IAFNS (moderator)

Johanna Dwyer, Tufts Medical School & NIH Office of Dietary Supplements

Edward Archer, University of South Carolina

SESSION: Fluid, Fluid Everyday: What Amount Is Best for Mind and Body?

Monday, 21 October 2013
3:30–5:00 pm

Speaker Presentations
Welcome and introductions
Ann Grandjean, EdD, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Healthy aging and cognitive functioning 
Bob Kenefick, PhD, U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine

This talk examined the current state of the science relative to aging and cognition, with a focus on maintaining cognitive function as a key component of healthy aging.

  • Examine the effects of hydration on cognitive performance at different life stages, with a focus on the effects of insufficient intake on markers of cognitive performance in older adults.
  • Review the most recent research on the effects of mild dehydration on mood, cognitive performance, and other associated adverse effects.
  • Identify strategies to prevent negative effects of insufficient intake on cognitive performance

Current perspectives on benefits of adequate hydration for healthy outcomes
Bob Murray, PhD, Sports Science Insights, LLC

This talk reviewed current perspective on fluid intake in disease risk reductions and infections including strengths and weaknesses of current research and identified future research needs.

  • Reviewed the current science on the health benefits of adequate hydration relative to acute conditions, including kidney stones, urinary tract infections, acute gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Reviewed state of current research of adequate hydration in relationship to chronic diseases: digestive disorders, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer.
  • Provide recommendations for RDs to work with patients for prevention and treatment of acute and chronic diseases.