Washington, DC, USA
June 21, 2012

In an environment of over-consumption, it is of great interest that Americans simultaneously fail to meet the Dietary References Intakes (DRIs) for many nutrients. Given the Dietary Guidelines recommendation to “keep calories in control,” attention to calorie-conscious ways to meet micronutrient adequacy is critical. While nearly half of the US population uses supplements, data indicate that these individuals often have better overall diet quality. Fortification is a way to supplement intakes of the population at large without having to rely on consumer choice. While fortification plays an important role in the nutrient adequacy of American diets, it is also important to evaluate the potential for over-consumption of certain nutrients. The Fortification Committee’s workshop will provide attendees with an improved understanding of the value of fortification and the success of current fortification efforts and practices. Additionally the workshop will address the potential future role of fortification in nutrient adequacy, to include benefits and risks.

Session Chairs: Johanna Dwyer and Catherine Woteki

Eric Hentges, Executive Director, IAFNS

Catherine Woteki, Under Secretary for USDA’s Research, Education, and Economics (REE) mission area, and the Department’s Chief Scientist

Johanna Dwyer, Tufts University Schools of Medicine and Nutrition and the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts

Short review by FDA of current fortification policies
Essie Yamini, FDA, Office of Nutrition Labeling and Dietary Supplements

Shortfall nutrients: Issues, opportunities and concerns
Alanna Moshfegh, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Food Surveys Research Group

The challenge of intake distributions: Dealing with the tails
Regan Bailey, National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements

The role that fortification has in meeting the DRIs for various nutrients
Johanna Dwyer, Tufts University Schools of Medicine and Nutrition and the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts

Modeling project: How changes to the Daily Value would impact nutrient adequacy
Mary Murphy, Exponent

Meeting the DGAs with established dietary patterns: The role of naturally occurring and added nutrients
Trish Britten, USDA, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Using toxicological risk assessment principles from a nutrition perspective
Alicia Carriquiry, Iowa State University

Food science considerations of fortification: Applications and barriers
Dennis Miller, Cornell University

Consumer perspectives
Marianne Smith Edge, International Food Information CouncilPDF

Closing remarks
Johanna Dwyer and Catherine Woteki

This event was supported by the IAFNS Committee on Fortification.