Latin American Congress of Nutrition (SLAN)
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
November 9, 2015
Welcome & Introductions
Michael Pratt, MD, MSPE, MPH, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Emory University, USA
Exercise Is Medicine: Health Professionals Facing Sedentary Populations
John Duperly, MD, PhD, Rosario University, Colombia
Understanding Energy Balance
Lauren Ptomey, PhD, RD, LD, The University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
Scaling Up Physical Activity Promotion in the Americas
Michael Pratt, MD, MSPE, MPH, USA
Additional Q&A
Session Objectives
- Understand the relationship of regular physical activity with energy balance and the prevention of major chronic diseases
- Know the quantity and intensity of physical activity that the World Health Organization recommends for good health for adults and children and adolescents
- Understand the concept and complexity of energy balance and its application to public health
- Understand the evidence for increasing physical activity through community-based interventions
- Understand how to apply evidence of successful physical activity promotion from countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Canada, and Finland
This session was organized by IAFNS and ILSI North Andean.
Visit the Latin American Congress of Nutrition (SLAN) website for more information: