Risk-Based Process for Mitigation of Process-Formed Compounds Workshop
Washington, DC, USA
May 12, 2015
Dr. Paul Hanlon, IAFNS Member Scientist
Defining Risk as the Product of Hazard and Exposure | Video
Dr. Joseph Rodericks, Environ
The Importance of Exposure in Safety/Risk Assessments | Video
Dr. Michael DiNovi, FDA
Regulatory Approaches to Process-Formed Compounds | Video
Dr. Nega Beer
Introduction of the Decision Tree | Video
Dr. Alan Boobis, Imperial College London
Panel Session: Feedback on the Decision Tree | Video
Facilitator: Dr. Paul Hanlon, IAFNS Member Scientist
- Focuses on making decisions based on safety/risk vs. exposure
- What are the challenges to implementing such a process?
- Does the process need additional factors to be considered?
Panel Members
- Dr. Joseph Rodricks, Environ
- Dr. Michael DiNovi, FDA CFSAN
- Dr. Nega Beru, FDA CFSAN
- Dr. Alan Boobis, Imperial College London
- Ms. Roxi Beck, Center for Food Integrity
Panel Session Continued: Development of Criteria and Gap Assessment | Video
What are the areas where criteria need to be developed?
- Identification of high risk compounds
- How to determine what constitutes a significant enough reduction in risk to justify mitigation
- How to objectively consider secondary effects of mitigation when justifying mitigation
Summary and Discussion of Communication Strategy | Video
Ms. Roxi Beck, Center for Food Integrity
Proceedings from this workshop have been accepted for publication and will be posted here in the near future.
This workshop was sponsored by the IAFNS Technical Committee on Food & Chemical Safety.