Towards More Rigorous and Informative Nutrition Epidemiology
Virtual, Event
September 25, 2024
11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Two divergent positions pervade discussions about nutritional evidence. One is that only large randomized controlled trials can inform causal conclusions about nutrition and health. The other is that typical observational studies are sufficient for establishing causal associations.

Evolving research methods show potential to support stronger causal inference from observational nutrition research, but not using the status quo of ordinary association tests typical of nutrition epidemiology.

In this webinar, approaches for stronger designs, measurements, analyses, execution and reporting to navigate the space between the extremes of randomized trials and best practices in advanced nutrition epidemiology were discussed.

Speaker: Andrew Brown, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

This program was organized by the IAFNS Assembly on Scientific Integrity.


View the recording of this webinar.