Forging an Understanding of the Double-Edged Iron Sword and Immunity
Upon infection, the host and pathogen compete to acquire, utilize and store essential iron. The goal of this project is to understand how iron nutrition contributes to infectious disease pathogenesis and clinical outcomes. This information can be utilized to determine how to best intervene in regions with high dual burdens of iron deficiency malnutrition and infectious disease.
Institution: Cornell University
Principal Investigator: Joann McDermid, PhD
Year Awarded: 2013
The IAFNS Future Leader Award, given annually to promising nutrition and food scientists, allows new investigators the opportunity to add to an existing project or to conduct exploratory research that might not receive funding from other sources or add to an existing project. Consideration is given to individuals proposing research in the areas of experimental nutrition, nutrition and toxicology, and nutrition and food science. Grants extend for a period of 2 years at a funding level of $15,000 USD per year. Funds may not be used for overhead or to support the investigator's salary.