Framework for Defining Suitable Recycled Resin Based on Intended End-Use and Characterizing Potential Chemicals of Concern
Changes in consumer behavior and growth in convenience foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products complicates the use of recycled materials by requiring sophisticated and complex multilayer packaging solutions and increasing the amount of packaging waste. Many packaging materials, such as multilayer flexible and rigid plastics, are primarily sent to landfills. This project will develop a common standard that defines grades of PCR plastics with necessary performance properties and regulatory compliance for various uses including food contact applications. This proposal will increase the value of food and non-food grade plastics through identifying standards and grades of recycled plastics by end use. It will also provide a much-needed understanding of performance properties and regulatory compliance of post-consumer plastic markets
Institution: Iowa State University
Principal Investigator: Greg Curtzwiler
Year: 2022
This work was supported by the IAFNS Food Packaging Safety & Sustainability Committee.