Guiding Principles for Sodium Reduction Strategies in Food: A Compendium
Significant knowledge exists about sodium reduction in foods, some of which is captured in Food & Drug Administration guidance documents. But progress made to date has not been captured in a publicly accessible format, and where it is available, it is not in a domain typically accessed by the public health community. Developing a compendium of available tools—including their possibilities, challenges and nuances—relevant to product development would be informative across stakeholders with an interest in addressing this persistent public health concern. This project will result in a publication that will provide evidence-based tools available for sodium reduction, organized by specific food categories to conjoin the wide range of resources into a compendium relevant to food industry applications.
Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Principal Investigator: Soo-Yeun Lee, PhD
Amount: $80,000
Year Awarded: 2020
Read more:
- Sodium Reduction Technologies Applied to Bread Products and their Impact on Sensory Properties: A Review
- Compendium of Sodium Reduction Strategies in Foods: A Scoping Review
- A Qualitative Look at Perception and Experience of Sodium Reduction Strategies in the Food Industry through Focus Groups and Individual Interviews
View this project on the Center for Open Science's Open Science Framework.
Access the Sodium Reduction Science and Strategies Database here.
Learn more about the IAFNS Sodium in Foods and Health Implications Committee.