How Experts Are Chosen to Inform Public Policy: Can the Process Be Improved?
Ethical questions have been raised regarding conflict of interest, making it more challenging for the formation of expert advisory committees that advise government agencies and public health officials in formulating nutrition and food safety policy. Due to the growing complexity of the interactions among government, industry, and academic research institutions, ever-more stringent conflict of interest policies may have the effect of barring the most experienced and knowledgeable nutrition and food scientists from contributing their expertise on expert panels.
The Assembly explored this issue in-depth through a review of the practices of professional societies, voluntary health organizations, foundations, government, the National Academies, and international bodies. A scholarly paper, “How Professionals Are Chosen for Expert Panels: Can the Process Be Improved?”, proposes a set of principles determining considerations for service on expert advisory committees and calls for a boarder discussion in all sectors of the research community on whether the process might be improved.
Read more: How Experts Are Chosen to Inform Public Policy: Can the Process Be Improved?
Learn more about the IAFNS Assembly on Scientific Integrity