The food industry plays a key role in advancing food safety and nutrition science. These Guiding Principles for Funding Food and Nutrition Research provide a modernized framework for minimizing bias and promoting integrity in industry-funded research.

All IAFNS-supported research projects entities must comply with IAFNS’s Guiding Principles for Scientific Integrity:

The updated Guiding Principles were unveiled publicly for the first time at the 7th World Conference on Research Integrity, and this work has been published in the American Society for Nutrition’s Journal of Nutrition.  Additionally, in December, this work was presented at ICN as a poster.

The updated Guiding Principles continue to provide conflict-of-interest guidelines to protect the integrity and credibility of the scientific record. These updates provide clarification, strengthen the guardrails that separate the funding from the science, and reflect the shift within the scientific community toward increased transparency and open science. We’ve also added a new guiding principle to Provide greater transparency on interactions between funder and investigator.

For more information on this initiative see (