Key Findings and Implications of a Recent Systematic Review of the Potential Adverse Effects of Caffeine Consumption in Healthy Adults, Pregnant Women, Adolescents, and Children
Scientific findings lose their value if they cannot be easily translated for comprehension by diverse audiences. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) also recognizes this fact, and their guidance related to systematic reviews suggests that plain language summaries can improve the work’s usability for general audiences (IOM, 2009). Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide a plain-language summary of this important review, and the reader is referred to the original work for full references. This summary paper will help the findings be more understandable and allow individuals to make educated decisions regarding their (or their patients') intake of this commonly consumed ingredient- caffeine.
Institution: ToxStrategies, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Candace Doepker, PhD
Year Awarded: 2018
Read the Key Findings and Implications of a Recent Systematic Review.
View the Systematic Review of the Health Effects Associated with Consumption of Caffeine in Humans.
Learn more about the IAFNS Caffeine Committee.