Establish Framework for Defining Suitable Recycled Resin and Characterize Potential Chemicals of Concern Based on Intended End-Use
Previous work by IAFNS Food Packaging Safety and Sustainability Committee identified data gaps in defining grades of Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) plastics for packaging. There is a need for performance modelling and compatibilization to develop a common standard for defining grades of PCR plastics that comply with regulations for food grade materials. This funding proposal builds on previous research to further develop a common standard that defines grades of PCR plastics with necessary performance properties and regulatory compliance for food grade and non-food grade plastics. The effort has several objectives:
- Develop a framework for determining suitability of recycled resins for use in food contact material.
- Identify information that needs to be collected to work towards common standards.
- Evaluate safety data for substances and identify target levels by application.
Pre-proposals should be submitted by March 30, 2022.
Read the full Request for Pre-proposals.
This work is supported by IAFNS Food Packaging Safety and Sustainability Committee