This paper reports on the findings and recommendations specific to older adults from the “Tech Summit: Innovative Tools for Assessing Diet and Physical Activity for Health Promotion” forum organized by the North American branch of the International Life Sciences Institute. The summit aimed to investigate current and emerging challenges related to improving energy balance behavior assessment and intervention via technology. The current manuscript focuses on how novel technologies are applied in older adult populations and enumerated the barriers and facilitators to using technology within this population. Given the multiple applications for technology in this population, including the ability to monitor health events and behaviors in real time, technology presents an innovative method to aid with the changes associated with aging. Although older adults are often perceived as lacking interest in and ability to adopt technologies, recent studies show they are comfortable adopting technology and user uptake is high with proper training and guided facilitation. Finally, the conclusions suggest recommendations for future research, including the need for larger trials with clinical outcomes and more research using end-user design that includes older adults as technology partners who are part of the design process.
This publication was developed following the IAFNS 2016 Tech Summit: Innovative Tools for Assessing Diet & Physical Activity for Health Promotion.
This work was supported by the IAFNS Balancing Food & Activity for Health Committee. Learn more about IAFNS’s work and commitment to Scientific Integrity.