Survival and Inactivation of Bacterial and Viral Pathogens in Model Low-Moisture Foods
Low-moisture food (LMF) products are often ingredients (e.g. nuts, dried fruits, cereal products, and chocolate) used in the manufacture of many food products. Because of this, they carry significant potential for the amplification of outbreaks and recalls over a wide variety of products. There has been worldwide recognition of the need to more seriously manage the microbiological hazards associated with these products. The aim of this project is to understand the survival of pathogens (Salmonella spp., L. monocytogenes, and viruses) in the dry food manufacturing environment and in low water activity products.
Institution: University of Guelph
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey Farber, PhD
Co-Investigators: Sabah Bidawid, PhD, Nathalie Corneau, Neda Nasheri, PhD (Health Canada); Sophia Kathariou, PhD (North Carolina State University); Keith Warriner, PhD (University of Guelph)
Year Awarded: 2016
Learn more about the IAFNS Food Microbiology Committee.