Emerging Science: Leveraging Innovation to Address Technical Challenges of Reducing Sodium in Foods
Virtual, Event
January 26, 2024
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Research suggests that most of the dietary sodium of Americans comes from processed, packaged and prepared foods. For individuals trying to manage their sodium intake, identifying food choices that meet their needs may be challenging in some eating or food purchasing situations. However, many food manufacturers and food service organizations have made commitments towards sodium reduction in their products and have stealthily introduced them into the market. There are many technical obstacles to reducing sodium in food products considering the functional roles of sodium-containing ingredients. Removal of sodium-containing ingredients or identifying non- or low-sodium alternatives without compromising sensory attributes (taste, texture, color) and food safety and shelf-life has its limits. The commercially available solutions of today may not achieve the higher sodium reduction targets of the future. This webinar will give insights on the challenges of existing tools, focusing on emerging technologies and future recommendations from a food industry perspective. In addition, attendees will gain insights on the process of identifying new technologies or ingredients and the development cycle of bringing an idea from initial concept to commercialization.
Janice Johnson, PhD, Cargill, Moderator
Soo Yeun Lee, PhD, Professor and Director of the School of Food Science at Washington State University
Andrew Daniher, PhD, VP Science & Technology, Givaudan
John Jaeggi, Cheese Industry and Applications Group, Center for Dairy Research
A Recording of the Webinar and Information on Continuing Education Credits are available here.
To view the other webinars that are part of the series, click here
IAFNS is a Continuing Professional Education (CPE) provider with the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). The Webinar: Emerging Science: Leveraging Innovation to Address Technical Challenges of Reducing Sodium in Foods awards 1.5 Continuing Professional Education Unit (CPEU) in accordance with the Commission on Dietetic Registration’s CPEU Prior Approval Program.
This webinar is supported by the IAFNS Sodium in Food & Health Implications Committee.
A recording of the webinar is available here.