Experimental Biology 2014
San Diego, California, USA
April 26, 2014
San Diego Convention Center

IAFNS and ASN Symposium Honoring John A. Milner

This scientific session “Fortification and Health: Opportunities and Challenges” was sponsored by the IAFNS Technical Committee on Fortification.


Fortification and Health of the Nation: What It Can and Can’t Do | Video
Janet King, PhD, RD, Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute

U.S. Experiences in Food Fortification
Christine Taylor, PhD, National Institutes of Health

Global Issues in Fortification: What Works, What Doesn’t | Video
Omar Dary, PhD, ABT Associates

The Impact of Fortification in the U.S. Diet: A Case Study in Children | Video
Regan Bailey, PhD, RD, National Institutes of Health

Discretionary Fortification | Video
Valerie Tarasuk, PhD, University of Toronto

Technological Opportunities and Challenges in Fortification | Video
Martin Philbert, PhD, University of Michigan

Benefit-Risk Analysis: What Is It and Why Does It Matter to Fortification? | Video
Carl Keen, PhD, University of California at Davis

Future Directions and Panel Discussion
Moderator: Johanna Dwyer, DSc, RD, Tufts Medical School

Learn more about Experimental Biology 2014 here.