Portland, Oregon, USA
August 9, 2013 – August 12, 2013
Poster Presentation: Everyday Eating: Why Consumers Choose the Foods They Do
Presenter: Carolyn Dunn, Interim Head Dept of 4-H Youth Development and Family and Consumer Sciences, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension
Description: The marketplace offers consumers a wide variety of food choices for purchase and consumption. Many factors including cost, convenience, taste, nutrition, shelf-life, food safety, and food waste influence food selections. A new web-based application tool for use by nutrition educators has been developed that evaluates trade-offs between product attributes for food selection decision making. Foods with a home recipe version in the USDA Food and Nutrition Database for Dietary Studies (FNDDS) or the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR) were selected to represent a range of commonly consumed entrees, baked goods, side dishes, fruits, vegetables, desserts, and beverages. Over 108 unique foods with home recipe and one or more processed forms are available for comparison. Food items are entered as per –serving and per-100 gram values. The web-based tool allows users to compare individual foods or a daily diet constructed from foods in the database. Opportunities and application for nutrition educators emerging from the web-based tool will be presented. Menu modeling of one day diets using examples of select food pairings will be presented including the analysis of the Healthy Eating Index (HEI) scoring. This web-based application tool offers potential opportunity for improvement in public health through alternative pathways for meeting recommended dietary patterns.
Conference website: http://www.sneb.org/events/conference.html
This work was sponsored by the IAFNS Project Committee on Food Value Decisions.