International Union of Food Science and Technology Scientific Information Bulletin
Abstract: A considerable and growing body of literature has evolved in recent times on the subject of conflicts of interest (COI) and their potential influence on the scientific record and the
integrity of scientific research. In much of the literature, conflicts are treated as
disqualifying factors in scientific papers and research; i.e., scientists with conflicts of
interest are viewed as being at least partially integrity-compromised, and, even with
complete and open disclosure, are regarded, at least to an extent, as of suspect scientific
credibility. It is hoped that this paper will define and clarify the highly complex issues
involved in questions of conflict and scientific bias, particularly with regard to that portion
of research funding originating with the food industry.
The focus here is confined to one very specific issue and its relationship to bias: financial
conflicts of interest and, specifically, funding-based conflicts. As an aside, it must be
pointed out that there is an inherent tendency for all funding, from whatever source, public
or private, government or industry, to bias behavior, unconsciously or otherwise. The
focus of the current article is on the management of potential bias from industry funding of
For a free online copy of the bulletin, click here.
This work was supported by the IAFNS Scientific Integrity Working Group.