About the Food Classification Workshop

IAFNS was pleased to host a workshop on Considerations for Formulation and Degree of Processing in Food Classification Systems to Support Research on May 16 and May 17 at IAFNS. This hybrid event allowed participants attending in-person and virtually.

The agenda is here.

Speaker bios are here.

The Food Classification Workshop evaluated food classification systems that incorporate formulation and degree of processing, specifically the science basis and validity, the utility of the system for research on food-health relationships and supporting policy decisions, and opportunities for alignment.

IAFNS aims to gather diverse stakeholders from government, industry, and academia - including policy-makers, regulators, and other experts - that may benefit from a deeper understanding of food classification systems and opportunities for improvement to support research and policy.

The meeting explored:

  • The value and consequences of processing for nutrition, food safety, waste reduction, cost reduction, and other outcomes.
  • Food classification systems that DO and DO NOT include processing and formulation characteristics.
  • Known and potential mechanisms linking classified foods to health outcomes.
  • Considerations for classification systems that support research on food-health relationships.

Publication and Videos now available.