Guiding Principles for Funding Food Science and Nutrition Research
The scientific process requires open, transparent examination and honest interpretation of data, regardless of a researcher’s affiliation or source of funding. To address the potential influence of funding source on scientific research, IAFNS developed 8 Guiding Principles for Funding Food Science and Nutrition Research. These guidelines were specifically designed to protect the integrity and credibility of the scientific record.
These principles were published simultaneously published in six peer-reviewed scientific journals: Nutrition Reviews, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Journal of Food Science, Nutrition Today, and The Journal of Nutrition.
Guiding Principles:
In the conduct of public/private research relationships, all relevant parties shall:
- conduct or sponsor research that is factual, transparent, and designed objectively; according to accepted principles of scientific inquiry, the research design will generate an appropriately phrased hypothesis and the research will answer the appropriate questions, rather than favor a particular outcome;
- require control of both the study design and the research itself to remain with scientific investigators;
- not offer or accept remuneration geared to the outcome of a research project;
- prior to the commencement of studies, ensure that there is a written agreement that the investigative team has the freedom and obligation to attempt to publish the findings within some specified timeframe;
- require, in publications and conference presentations, full signed disclosure of all financial interests;
- not participate in undisclosed paid authorship arrangements in industry-sponsored publications or presentations;
- guarantee accessibility to all data and control of statistical analysis by investigators and appropriate auditors/reviewers; and
- require that academic researchers, when they work in contract research organizations or act as contract researchers, make clear statements of their affiliation; require that such researchers publish only under the auspices of the contract research organizations.
Read the manuscript: Funding Food Science and Nutrition Research: Financial Conflicts and Scientific Integrity.
Learn more about the IAFNS Assembly on Scientific Integrity.