IAFNS is committed to sharing the results of the research we support, regardless of the outcomes. Our publications undergo stringent peer-review by qualified experts prior to publication and include disclosure of all sources of funding.

Functional Neuroimaging Correlates of Mental Fatigue Induced by Cognition Among Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients and Controls

The purpose of the study, published in Neuroimage (2007;36:108-122), was to use functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine the association between feelings of mental fatigue and blood oxygen level-dependent brain responses during a mentally fatiguing cognitive task.

Read more about Functional Neuroimaging Correlates of Mental Fatigue Induced by Cognition Among Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients and Controls

Dietary Sodium Intake and Its Relation to Human Health

These articles, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2006;25(Suppl 3):231S-284S), address the role of sodium in fluid homeostasis with exercise, the influence of dietary sodium on blood pressure, salt sensitivity, the relationship between dietary sodium and cardiovascular disease, the interaction between sodium and potassium, the role of dietary sodium in osteoporosis, and the formulation of dietary guidelines in light of scientific evidence.

Read more about Dietary Sodium Intake and Its Relation to Human Health

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