Identification And Quantitation Studies of Migrants from BPA Alternative Food-Contact Metal Can Coatings
Different compounds may enter the food supply, by intentional or unintentional addition, at various stages of the food chain. Advancements in analytical methodologies are allowing for progressively lower detection limits, resulting in unexpected and known substances being detected in food and food packaging matrices. Currently, there is no harmonized analytical methodology for the identification of known and unknown substances in food packaging materials. This study is the first step in the overall multi-step risk assessment process for unknown substances in food packaging, and will also be a step towards harmonization & validation of analytical methodology for food packaging materials. The objective of this study is to develop a robust core set of analytical methods that can be utilized for a wide range of food packaging materials to identify known chemicals and potential unknown substances.
Institution: Rutgers University
Principal Investigator: Thomas Hartman, PhD
Year Awarded: 2017
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