Human Dietary Protein Needs and Benefits: A Critical Assessment of Postulated Propositions

Rosemont, IL, USA

The essential need for dietary protein to sustain life is uncontested, and several propositions regarding dietary protein are largely uncontested as well. This workshop features speakers who will examine the evidence for these and other assumptions about protein.

Read more about Human Dietary Protein Needs and Benefits: A Critical Assessment of Postulated Propositions

The Role of the Gut Structure and Function in Health and Disease: The Celiac Disease Paradigm

Virtual, Event

The intestine is a critical site for interaction between the host and the external environment. Its complex structure plays key roles in selective absorption of nutrients or other dietary or environmental components, with implications for local and systemic effects which will be explored in this webinar.

Read more about The Role of the Gut Structure and Function in Health and Disease: The Celiac Disease Paradigm

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Food Safety & Science Across Canada – McGill University

Virtual, Event

Join us on September 28 (9am – 11am ET) and explore Food Safety & Science Research at McGill University.  This one session of our 4 part series on Food Safety & Science Across Canada.  We are pleased to be collaborating with researchers from the following universities: McGill University, University of Manitoba, University of British Columbia, Dalhousie University.

Read more about Food Safety & Science Across Canada – McGill University

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