Upcoming Events
11th Vahouny Fiber Symposium
June 15, 2017 – June 16, 2017
Bethesda, MD, US
Diet and the Microbiome
June 13, 2017 – June 14, 2017
Bethesda, MD, USA
This Workshop will help to improve rigor and reproducibility in research on the colonic microbiome and identify important dietary information that should be reported and parameters to consider in study design.
World Conference on Research Integrity
May 29, 2017
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This presentation will provide an overview of the expansive range of activities on scientific integrity in the United States among five sectors.
Food for Health Workshop – Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting
May 25, 2017
Montreal, Canada
Behavioural Economics and Cost Benefit Analysis in Food, Agriculture and Health Systems
Read more about Food for Health Workshop – Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting
ASTA Annual Meeting
April 24, 2017
Austin, Texas, USA
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[post_date_gmt] => 2017-04-04 20:21:09 [post_content] =>Speakers:
Nancy Bontempo, PhD, Mondelez International
Delia Murphy, IAFNSBackground:
This presentation will provide an overview of the results of two IAFNS sponsored research projects: “Correlation of surrogate bacteria and Salmonellae for validation of spice/herb pathogen reduction processes” and “Protocol and surrogate validation for the inactivation of Salmonella on whole black peppercorns and cumin seeds.”The projects used four spices, oregano, onion powder, whole black peppercorns, and whole cumin seeds, and focused on evaluating the usefulness of surrogate bacteria for validation of irradiation as a decontamination processes, and developing validated protocols for inactivation of Salmonella using ethylene oxide fumigation and dry steam (vacuum-assisted) treatment. The American Spice Trade Association provided an unrestricted grant to help fund these research projects.
This work is supported by the IAFNS Food Microbiology Committee.
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Diverse and Discrepant Non-O157 STEC: Data, Differences and Discernment
August 1, 2011
Milwaukee, WI, USA
This symposium provided an update on knowledge about non-O157 STEC.
Read more about Diverse and Discrepant Non-O157 STEC: Data, Differences and Discernment
Are We Forgetting About the Gram Positives? From Pathogens to Spoilage
August 1, 2011
Milwaukee, WI, USA
This symposium examined new scientific information regarding this diverse group of spore-forming bacteria and their role in food safety and food spoilage. Lactic acid bacteria and their role in food spoilage were also discussed.
Read more about Are We Forgetting About the Gram Positives? From Pathogens to Spoilage
International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting
July 31, 2011 – August 3, 2011
Milwaukee, WI, USA
For more information, visit the IAFP Annual Meeting Website.
Read more about International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting
2011 Food and Nutrition Safety Program Mid-Year Meeting
July 12, 2011
Washington, DC, USA
The 2011 FNSP Mid-Year Meeting was held on July 12, 2011.
Read more about 2011 Food and Nutrition Safety Program Mid-Year Meeting
2012 Food, Nutrition & Safety Program and Mid-Year Meeting
July 11, 2011
Washington, DC, USA
The IAFNS Food, Nutrition and Safety Program (FNSP) was held in Washington, DC, and combined presentations on topics of current interest with reports on the progress of new and ongoing projects since the annual meeting in January.
Read more about 2012 Food, Nutrition & Safety Program and Mid-Year Meeting
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