Assessing the Relationship between Low-Calorie Sweetener Use and Quality of Life Measures in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
Low- and No- calorie sweeteners (LNCSs) have been acknowledged as a tool for reducing the intake of total carbohydrates and particularly added sugars in the nutritional management of diabetes. LNCSs may also help to improve Quality of Life (QoL). QoL is an important aspect in management of diabetes as reduced QoL can negatively affect diabetes-related outcomes. As such, understanding the potential relationship between use of LNCSs to replace added sugars and excess carbohydrate in the diet on QoL is important. This knowledge may also be useful to clinicians who field questions about the general utility of LNCSs. A recent systematic review sponsored by the World Health Organization that was designed to investigate the effects of LCS use for people with diabetes included health-related QoL as an outcome measure. However, authors did not identify any data in the peer-reviewed literature that met the inclusion-exclusion criteria specified. Authors concluded that data on this “patient-important outcome” were “scarce or lacking”. The objective of this work is to assess the relationship between use of LCSs and health-related Quality of Life (QoL) measures in individuals residing in North America that were diagnosed with diabetes (type 1) not less than 1 year ago.
Institution: University of Colorado
Principal Investigator: Halis K. Akturk, MD
Year Awarded: 2021
View this project on the Center for Open Science’s Open Science Framework here.
This work is supported by the IAFNS Low- and No-Calorie Sweeteners Committee